期刊论文|A distribution network state estimation method based on distribution generation output mode discrimination
发布时间:2022年05月02日 21:49    作者:    点击:[]

A distribution network state estimation method based on distribution generation output mode discrimination

作者:Jin, Z., Cai, D., Wang, C., Ding, L.

摘要:In recent years, the penetration rate of distributed generation (DG) in the distribution network is increasing, which significantly adds the uncertainty for state estimation. To tackle this problem, in this paper, a state estimation method based on DG output mode discrimination is proposed. The historical output data of DG are analyzed offline by the k-means clustering algorithm, and the output modes are identified by the pre-state estimation results before the measurements are updated. The obtained pseudo measurements are used to perform the secondary state estimation based on the model information and the measurements. The proposed method can effectively improve the state estimation of distributed generation buses, which is verified by MATLAB simulations in the PE&G-69 bus system.

发表于:International Transactions on Electrical Energy Systems

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