期刊论文|Efficient Multi-Port Bidirectional Converter with Soft-Switching Capability for Electric Vehicle Applications
发布时间:2022年05月02日 21:51    作者:    点击:[]

Efficient Multi-Port Bidirectional Converter with Soft-Switching Capability for Electric Vehicle Applications

作者:Faraji, R., Ding, L., Rahimi, T., Farzanehfard H.,Hafezi, H., Maghsoudi, M.

摘要:In this paper, to solve the hard-switching operation problem and the lack of existing a bidirectional power flow path from output to the energy storage device of the conventional three-port converter, a new soft-switched bidirectional multi-port converter is proposed. A large number of switches, different power flow paths which vary in each operating mode, and changing the outputs and their power levels are some of the challenges to provide soft-switching conditions in multi-port converters. In the proposed converter, by changing the topology of the conventional three-port converter, the bidirectional power exchangeability between ports is provided. Moreover, a soft-switching cell is added, which can operate independently from the output power levels. Less number of components with low volume is one of the important features of this multi-port converter. Due to the soft-switching operation of the proposed converter, the size of passive components and heat-sink is reduced. In addition, by the use of coupled inductors in the soft-switching cell, only one magnetic core is used and thus, single-stage power conversion is achieved and conduction loss is reduced. In this paper, the converter operating modes are presented, and design considerations are discussed. Finally, a 200 W-200 V prototype is implemented, and the theoretical analysis is validated by the experimental results.

发表于:IEEE Access ( Volume: 9)

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