期刊论文|Transient Instability Detection Method Based on Multi-source Trajectory Information
发布时间:2022年05月03日 09:55    作者:    点击:[]

Transient Instability Detection Method Based on Multi-source Trajectory Information

作者:Li, X., Ding, L., Zhu, G., Kheshti, M.

摘要:Online monitoring of dynamic stability in wide-area power system is an important condition to reduce the negative impact of out-of-step oscillations. Research shows that during the oscillation of power system, the characteristics of the disturbed trajectory can reflect the instability of the system. Benefiting from the popularization and perfection of wide area measurement system, the transient instability criterion based on the disturbed trajectory analysis has made great progress in recent years. This paper summarizes the six common instability criteria based on the disturbed trajectory and explores the relationship between the criteria in the time sequence. According to the obtained relationship, a comprehensive strategy is constructed to integrate the criteria based on multi-source trajectory information. The multiple criteria are divided by the logic of early warning and judgment, in order to enhance the reliability of transient instability detection and save time for the calculation of the real-time islanding strategy. Simulation results using the IEEE 118 bus system show that the proposed strategy gives high reliability to the system in different scenarios.

发表于:International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems ( Volume: 113, Dec. 2019)

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