期刊论文|Constraint models of voltage fluctuation limit on OLTC/SVR caused by DG power fluctuation and generator disconnection to assess their impacts on DG penetration limit
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Constraint models of voltage fluctuation limit on OLTC/SVR caused by DG power fluctuation and generator disconnection to assess their impacts on DG penetration limit

作者:Zhijun Wang; Xiaoyu Wang; Wenchao Meng; Lianxiang Tang; Shichao Liu

摘要:With the rapid growth of distributed generation (DG) in distribution systems, DG penetration limit is becoming a more emergent issue. The short-term voltage fluctuation resulting from the DG power fluctuation of intermittent DG sources, e.g. photovoltaic (PV) and wind power, could trigger excessive actions of a transformer with on-load tap changer (OLTC) or a feeder step-voltage regulator (SVR). In addition, DG tripping from feeder will cause sudden large voltage step change. These facts limit the maximum allowable penetration of DG in distribution networks. This study proposes the constraint models of voltage fluctuation limit on OLTC/SVR resulting from DG power fluctuation and generator disconnection to assess their impacts on the DG penetration limit. A simple optimal power flow methodology is built according to the practical criteria and applied to the practical feeder systems, to demonstrate the huge advantages of the proposed constraint models in the assessment of DG penetration limit, which also validates that both factors have significant impacts on DG hosting capacity.

发表于:IET Generation, Transmission & Distribution (Volume 11, Issue 17, 30 November 2017)

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