会议论文|Characteristics of Reactive Power Compensation for Islanded Microgrids Based on Synchronized Current Phasor Control
发布时间:2022年05月11日 19:44    作者:    点击:[]

Characteristics of Reactive Power Compensation for Islanded Microgrids Based on Synchronized Current Phasor Control

作者:Jin, Jiaxin; Shi, Qianhong; Wang, Zhijun; Ding, Lei

摘要:Synchronized Current Phasor Control (SCPC) is a new control method proposed recently for islanded microgrids. This paper firstly investigates the reactive power compensation characteristics of the SCPC islanded microgrid with I-V droop control, then analyzes the influence of the droop coefficient on it. Through this study, we find that the traditional reactive power compensation strategies are no longer adapted to SCPC islanded microgrids, since their characteristics of reactive power compensation are different from the traditional grid or other islanded microgrids controlled by the typical methods.

发表于:2020 International Conference on Electrical Technology and Automatic Control

上一条:会议论文|Energy Management Strategy of PV Grid-Connected Household Nano-Grid System 下一条:会议论文|Voltage Stability Analysis of Synchronized Current Phasor Control Based on Bifurcation Theory


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