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Associate Editors of IEEE TIECES TEMS


2020.09 至今, 山东大学 教授/博导

2016.09-2020.08,山东大学 研究员/博导

2015.09-2016.08,韩国汉阳大学 博士后研究员(韩国教育部“21世纪智慧韩国项目)

2011.09-2015.08,韩国汉阳大学 博士 [美国威斯康星大学Thomas A. Lipo院士联合培养](国家公派高水大项目)

2007.09-2011.07,哈尔滨工业大学 学士



1. 海上风力发电技术及测试装备

2. 高品质电机及智能控制技术

3. 新能源汽车电机系统设计及驱动控制

4. 低损耗软磁材料及大容量高频变压器设计

5. 心脏血液机械循环辅助装置电驱动系统



1. W. Zhao, H. Shen, T. A. Lipo, X. Wang, “A New Hybrid Permanent Magnet Synchronous Reluctance Machine with Axially Sandwiched Magnets for Performance Improvement,” IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion.

2. W. Zhao, T. A. Lipo, B. Kwon, “Material-Efficient Permanent-Magnet Shape for Torque Pulsation Minimization in SPM Motors for Automotive Applications,” IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics.

3. Z. Xing, X. Wang, W. Zhao, “An accurate calculation method of natural frequencies of the radial-flux slotted motors considering end covers,” IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics.

4. Z. Xing, X. Wang, W. Zhao, “Fast calculation of electromagnetic vibration of surface-mounted PMSM considering teeth saturation and tangential electromagnetic force,” IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics.

5. Z. Xing, X. Wang, W. Zhao, L. Sun, N. Niu, “Calculation method for natural frequencies of stator of permanent magnet synchronous motors based on three-dimensional elastic theory,” IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion.

6. Z. Xing, X. Wang, W. Zhao, “Optimization of stator slot parameters for electromagnetic vibration reduction of permanent magnet synchronous motors,” IEEE Transactions on Transportation Electrification.

7. W. Zhao, D. Chen, T. A. Lipo, B. Kwon, “Dual Airgap Stator- and Rotor-Permanent Magnet Machines With Spoke-Type Configurations Using Phase-Group Concentrated Coil Windings,” IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications.

8. W. Zhao, M. Tian, X. Wang, “Analysis of the Synchronization Process and the Synchronization Capability for a Novel 6/8-Pole Changing LSPMSM,” IEEE Transactions on Magnetics.

9. W. Zhao, H. Shen, W. Chai, X. Wang, B. Kwon, “Optimal Design and Experimental Test of a SPM Motor With Cost-Effective Magnet Utilization to Suppress Torque Pulsations,” IEEE Transactions on Magnetics.

10. W. Zhao, J. Kwon, X. Wang, T. A. Lipo, B. Kwon, “Optimal Design of a Spoke-type Permanent Magnet Motor with Phase-group Concentrated-coil Windings to Minimize Torque Pulsations,” IEEE Transactions on Magnetics.

11. W. Zhao, F. Xing, X. Wang, T. A. Lipo, B. Kwon, “Design and Analysis of a Novel PM-Assisted Synchronous Reluctance Machine with Axially Integrated Magnets by Finite Element Method,” IEEE Transactions on Magnetics.

12. W. Zhao, T. A. Lipo, B. Kwon, “Torque Pulsation Minimization in Spoke-type Interior Permanent Magnet Motors with Skewing and Sinusoidal Permanent Magnet Configurations,” IEEE Transactions on Magnetics.

13. W. Zhao, T. A. Lipo, B. Kwon, “Dual-stator Two-phase Permanent Magnet Machines with Phase-group Concentrated-coil Windings for Torque Enhancement,” IEEE Transactions on Magnetics.

14. W. Zhao, D. Chen, T. A. Lipo, B. Kwon, “Performance Improvement of Ferrite-Assisted Synchronous Reluctance Machines Using Asymmetrical Rotor Configurations,” IEEE Transactions on Magnetics.

15. W. Zhao, T. A. Lipo, B. Kwon, “A Novel Dual-Rotor, Axial Field, Fault-Tolerant Flux-Switching Permanent Magnet Machine with High-Torque Performance,” IEEE Transactions on Magnetics.

16. W. Zhao, T. A. Lipo, B. Kwon, “Optimal Design of a Novel Asymmetrical Rotor Structure to Obtain Torque and Efficiency Improvement in Surface Inset PM Motors,” IEEE Transactions on Magnetics.

17. W. Zhao, F. Zhao, T. A. Lipo, B. Kwon, “Optimal Design of a Novel V-Type Interior Permanent Magnet Motor with Assisted Barriers for the Improvement of Torque Characteristics,” IEEE Transactions on Magnetics.

18. W. Zhao, T. A. Lipo, B. Kwon, “Comparative Study on Novel Dual Stator Radial Flux and Axial Flux Permanent Magnet Motors with Ferrite Magnets for Traction Application,” IEEE Transactions on Magnetics.

19. Z. Xing, X. Wang, W. Zhao, “Research on Weakening Measure of Radial Electromagnetic Force Waves in Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motors by Inserting Auxiliary Slots,” IET Electric Power Applications.

20. Z. Xing, W. Zhao, X. Wang, Y. Sun, “Reduction of Radial Electromagnetic Force Waves Based on PM Segmentation in SPMSMs,” IEEE Transactions on Magnetics.

21. J. Ren, X. Wang, W. Zhao, B. Peng, “Electromagnetic Force Density Calculation in Surface-Mounted PM Synchronous Machine with Rotor Eccentricity by an Equivalent Transformation Method,” IET Electric Power Applications.

22. B. Peng, X. Wang, W. Zhao, J. Ren, “Study on Shaft Voltage in Fractional Slot Permanent Magnet Machine With Different Pole and Slot Number Combinations,” IEEE Transactions on Magnetics.

23. Fu. Xing, W. Zhao, B. Kwon, “Design and Optimization of a Novel Asymmetric Rotor Structure for a PM-assisted Synchronous Reluctance Machine,” IET Electric Power Applications.

24. B. Peng, W. Zhao, X. Wang, “The Method for Reducing Intrinsic Shaft Voltage by Suitable Selection of Pole-Arc Coefficient in Fractional-Slot Permanent-Magnet Synchronous Machines,” IEEE Transaction on Magnetics.

25. M. Tian, W. Zhao, X. Wang, et al., “Analysis on a Novel Flux Adjustable Permanent Magnet Coupler With a Double-Layer Permanent Magnet Rotor,” IEEE Transactions on Magnetics.

26. W. Chai, W. Zhao, B. Kwon, “Optimal Design of Wound Field Synchronous Reluctance Machines to Improve Torque by Increasing the Saliency Ratio,” IEEE Transactions on Magnetics.

27. M. Raza, W. Zhao, T. A. Lipo, B. Kwon, “Performance Comparison of Dual Airgap and Single Airgap Spoke-type Permanent Magnet Vernier Machines,” IEEE Transactions on Magnetics.

28. T. Yazdan, W. Zhao, T. A. LipoB. Kwon, “A Novel Technique for Two-Phase BLDC Motor to Avoid the Demagnetization,” IEEE Transactions on Magnetics.

29. S. Kumar, W. Zhao, Z. S. Du, T. A. Lipo, B. Kwon, “Design of Ultrahigh Speed Axial-Flux Permanent Magnet Machine with Sinusoidal Back EMF for Energy Storage Application,” IEEE Transactions on Magnetics.

30. D. Chen, W. Zhao, B. Kwon, “A Novel Cost-Effective Two-Level Inverter with Combined Use of Thyristors and IGBTs,” Journal of Electrical Engineering & Technology.

31. Z. Xing, X. Wang, W. Zhao, “Cogging torque reduction based on segmented skewing magnetic poles with different combinations of pole-arc coefficients in surface-mounted permanent magnet synchronous motors,” IET Electric Power Applications.

32. Z. Xing, X. Wang, W. Zhao, “ Research on weakening measure of radial electromagnetic force waves in permanent magnet synchronous motors by inserting auxiliary slots,” IET Electric Power Applications.

33. Z. Xing, X. Wang, W. Zhao, “Design and analysis of basic model of high-speed surface-mounted permanent magnet synchronous motors based on subdomain method,” Journal of Electrical Engineering & Technology.

34. D. Chen, W. Zhao, B. Bai, B. Kwon, “Analysis and Experiment of Transformer Vibration and Noise Considering Electrical Steel Sheet Magnetostriction,” International Journal of Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics.

35. W. Zhao, C. Liu, Y. Li, X. Fan, X. Wang, “Design and Analysis of a High-Performance Surface Inset Permanent Magnet Motor with Asymmetrical Rotor,” International Journal of Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics.

36. M. Yu, W. Zhao, C. Liu, X. Wang, B. Kwon, “Design and Analysis of a Novel Variable Flux Spoke-Type Motor for Washing Machines,” International Journal of Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics.

37. W. Zhao, H. Shen, X. Fan, X. Wang, B. Kwon, “Design and Analysis of a Novel Hybrid-Excited Wound-Rotor Synchronous Machine with High Electromagnetic Performance,” International Journal of Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics.

38. W. Zhao, H. Shen, D. Chen, X. Wang, B. Kwon, “Design and Analysis of a High-Performance Dual-Rotor PM Synchronous Reluctance Machine with Toroidal Windings,” International Journal of Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics.

39. W. Zhao, B. Kwon, “Cost-effective Permanent Magnet Shape for Reducing Cogging Torque and Torque Ripple in Surface-Mounted Permanent Magnet Machines,” International Journal of Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics.

40. W. Zhao, B. Kwon, “Dual Rotor Flux Switching Permanent Magnet Machines with Phase-group Concentrated-coil Windings for High Performance,” International Journal of Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics.



1. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,新型高效能磁链正弦化高速轴向磁通永磁电机系统研究,主持

2. 国家自然科学基金青年项目,新型非对称转子永磁聚磁式同步磁阻电机研究,主持

3. 国家自然科学基金重点项目,变频器供电永磁同步电动机电磁振动关键基础问题研究(子课题),主持

4. 国家重点研发计划,大容量海上风电机组全工况模拟及并网试验关键技术和装备(子课题),主持

5. 国家重点研发计划,低损耗高频软磁材料及兆伏安级高频变压器研制(子课题),主持

6. 国家重点实验室开放课题,新型永磁电机高倍弱磁及无位置传感器控制研究,主持

7. 山东省重点研发计划(重大创新工程),电动汽车用轻量化高功率密度智能永磁电驱动系统产业化,主研

8. 山东省重点研发计划(重大创新工程),高推力密度永磁同步变频直线电机油气举升智能成套装备关键技术研究与产业化开发,主研

9. 中国博士后科学基金特别资助项目,新型高速非对称集成转子式永磁同步磁阻电机研究,主持

10. 中国博士后科学基金面上项目,基于晶闸管与IGBT混合的低成本电力电子变压器研究,主持

11. 山东省博士后创新基金项目,电动汽车用新型高转矩密度及宽调速范围永磁聚磁式同步磁阻电机研究,主持

12. 山东省自然科学基金优秀青年基金,人才计划项目,主持

13. 山东大学齐鲁青年学者建设项目,人才计划项目,主持

14. 中国电机工程学会青年人才托举工程项目,人才计划项目,主持

15. 山东大学青年学者未来计划项目,人才计划项目,主持

16. 山东大学人才引进与培养类专项项目,主持

17. 国网公司项目:电力变压器主动及被动降噪技术研究与工程示范,主持

18. 国网公司项目:复杂工况下换流变压器局部过热、产气规律及过热故障点定位研究,主持




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