期刊论文|Optimal Photovoltaic Array Dynamic Reconfiguration Strategy Based on Direct Power Evaluation
发布时间:2022年05月03日 09:53    作者:    点击:[]

Optimal Photovoltaic Array Dynamic Reconfiguration Strategy Based on Direct Power Evaluation

作者:Zhen Zhu;Meiyi Hou;Lei Ding;Guofang Zhu;Zhaoyang Jin

摘要:In actual operation, photovoltaic arrays inevitably encounter shadow problems, resulting in a power output decline and multiple peaks in the output characteristics. The effect of partial shade can be satisfactorily reduced by photovoltaic array reconfiguration. Almost all current reconfiguration techniques are based on the irradiance equalization principle. However, by analyzing the output characteristics of photovoltaic array, it is found that the irradiance equalization principle improves the output power by increasing only the minimum row current without considering the effect of the voltage, so the reconfiguration techniques based on this principle cannot obtain the global optimal configuration under some partial shading conditions. In order to maximize the output power of photovoltaic array under any partial shaded condition, this paper proposes a reconfiguration strategy based on direct power evaluation. In this approach, the reconfiguration problem is formulated as a 0-1 multi-knapsack problem, and a novel mathematical model is established to directly evaluate the maximum output power of photovoltaic array. Then, the optimal reconfiguration scheme is determined by solving the mathematical model. Finally, the effectiveness of the proposed reconfiguration strategy is proved in theory and simulations.

发表于:IEEE Access ( Volume: 8)

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