期刊论文|A Multi-Disaster-Scenario Distributionally Robust Planning Model for Enhancing the Resilience of Distribution Systems
发布时间:2022年05月11日 20:12    作者:    点击:[]

A Multi-Disaster-Scenario Distributionally Robust Planning Model for Enhancing the Resilience of Distribution Systems

作者:Gang Zhang, Feng Zhang*, Xin Zhang, Qiuwei Wu and Ke Meng

摘要:Resilience oriented network planning provides an effective solution to protect the distribution system from natural disasters by the pre-planned line hardening and backup generator allocation. In this paper, a multi-disaster-scenario based distributionally robust planning model (MDS-DRM) is proposed to hedge against two types of natural disaster-related uncertainties: random offensive resources (ORs) of various natural disasters, and random probability distribution of line outages (PDLO) that are incurred by a certain natural disaster. The OR uncertainty is represented by the defined probability-weighted scenarios with stochastic programming, and the PDLO uncertainty is modeled as the moment based ambiguity sets. Moreover, the disaster recovery strategies of network reconfiguration and microgrid formation are integrated into the pre-disaster network planning for resilience enhancement in both planning and operation stages. Then, a novel primal cut based decomposition solution method is proposed to improve the computational efficiency of the proposed model. In particular, the equivalent reformulation of the original MDS-DRM is first derived to eliminate the PDLO-related variables. Then, the reformulation problem is solved by the proposed primal cut based decomposition method and linearization techniques. Finally, Simulation results are demonstrated for IEEE 13-node, 33-node and 135-node distribution systems to validate the effectiveness of the proposed method in enhancing the disaster-induced network resilience.

发表于:International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems (Volume 122, November 2020)

上一条:期刊论文|Fast Resilience Assessment of Distribution Systems With a Non-Simulation-Based Method 下一条:期刊论文|Mobile Emergency Generator Planning in Resilient Distribution Systems: A Three-Stage Stochastic Model With Nonanticipativity Constraints


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