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男,1983年生,法国电气工程博士,中国电机工程学会会员、IEEE Member。


硕士研究生导师、IEEE member、中国电机工程学会会员




2013.3至今 mk体育;

2018.12-2019.11 法国国立高等工程技术大学(ENSAM)访问学者;

2011.09-2012.08 法国国立高等工程技术大学(ENSAM)助教(A.T.E.R);




[1]J. Gong, H. Zhang, B. Zhao, D. Fu, F. Gillon, Proposal of a Bi-Objective Kriging Adapted Output Space Mapping Technique for Electromagnetic Design Optimization, IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, Vol. 55, No. 6, June 2019.

[2]J. Gong, H. Zahr, E. Semail, M. Trabelsi, B. Aslan, F. Scuiller, Design Considerations of Five-Phase Machine with Double p/3p Polarity. IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion, Vol. 34, No. 1, March 2019, pp.12-24.

[3]J. Gong, F. Gillon, N. Bracikowski, Comparison of three space mapping techniques on electromagnetic design optimization. International Journal for Computation and Mathematics in Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Vol. 37, No. 2, pp. 1-14, Feb. 2018.

[4]J. Gong, F. Gillon, J. T. Canh and Y. Xu, Proposal of a Kriging Output Space Mapping Technique for Electromagnetic Design Optimization. IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, Vol. 53, No. 6, June 2017.

[5]H. Zahr, J. Gong*, E. Semail, F. Scuiller. Comparison of Optimized Control Strategies of a High-speed Traction Machine with Five Phases and Bi-harmonic Electromotive Force. Energies, Vol. 9, N°. 12, pp. 952. December 2016.

[6]Jinlin GONG, Bassel ASLAN, Eric SEMAIL, Frédéric GILLON. High speed functionality optimization of five-phase pm machine using 3rd Harmonic Current. International Journal for Computation and Mathematics in Electrical and Electronic Engineering, vol. 31, No. 3, pp. 879-893, ISBN: 0332-1649, May, 2014.

[7]Jinlin GONG, Alexandru Claudiu BERBECEA, Frédéric GILLON, Pascal BROCHET. Multi-objective Optimization of a Linear Induction Motor using 3D FEM. International Journal for Computation and Mathematics in Electrical and Electronic Engineering. Vol. 31, No. 3, pp. 958-971, ISBN: 0332-1649, May, 2012.

[8]Jinlin Gong, Benteng Zhao, Eric Semail, Ngac-Ky Nguyen, Yanliang Xu, Seven-phase axial and radial flux in-wheel machine with three active air gaps, XXIVth International Conference on Electrical Machines, August, 2020, Sweden.

[9]B. Zhao, J. Gong, Y. Xu, E. Semail, N-k, Nguyen, N. Bracikowski, High Performance Evaluation of a Novel Topology of Five-Phase Fractional Slot Concentrated Non-Overlapping Winding, International Magnetics Conference, May, 2020, Canada.

[10]V. Martin, J. Gong, B. Zhao, F. Gillon, Y. Xu, Cogging Torque Minimization of an Interior Permanent Magnet Machine Using Sub-domain Method, IEEE Conference on Electromagnetic Field Computation, Nov. 2020, Italy.

[11]B. Zhao, J. Gong, T. Tong, Y. Xu, E. Semail, N-k, Nguyen, F. Gillon, A Novel Five Phase Fractional Slot Concentrated Winding with Low Space Harmonic Contents, IEEE Conference on Electromagnetic Field Computation, Nov. 2020, Italy.

[12]Zhang Hao, Zhao Benteng, Gong Jinlin, Xu Yanliang, Duc Tan Vu, Ngac Ky Nguyen, Eric Semail, Tiago Jose dos Santos Moraes, Torque Optimization of a Seven-Phase Bi-harmonic PMSM in Healthy and Degraded Mode, International Conference on Electrical Machines and Systems (ICEMS), 8-2019, Harbin, China.

[13]Keitaro Yanagihara, Duc Tan Vu, Ngac Ky Nguyen, Jinlin Gong, Eric Semail1, Tiago Jose dos Santos Moraes, Fault-tolerant Control for Non-sinusoidal 7-phase Permanent Magnet Machines with One Opened Phase, International Symposium on Electrical and Electronics Engineering (ISEE 2019), October 10-12, 2019, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam.

[14]B. Zhao, J. Gong, D. T. Vu, N. Nguyen, and E. Semail, Fault Tolerant 7-phase Hybrid Excitation Permanent Magnet Machine. IEEE Conference on Electromagnetic Field Computation, Oct. 2018, China.

[15]Jinlin Gong et al. Optimal Design of a Linear Induction Motor for Traction Application. International Conference on Electrical Engineering and Automatic Control (ICEEAC), 10-2015, Weihai, China.

[16]Jinlin GONG, Nicolas BRACIKOWSKI, Xiuhe WANG.Magnetic modeling of a liner motor using lumped approach. International Conference on Electrical Machines and Systems (ICEMS), 10-2014, Hangzhou, China.

[17]Jinlin Gong et al. Fast Optimization of a Linear Induction Motor by 3-Level Space Mapping Technique. 9th International Symposium on Linear Drives for Industrial Applications (LDIA). 7-2013, Hangzhou, China.

[18]Jinlin Gong, Frédéric Gillon, Pascal Brochet. Optimal Design of a Linear Induction Motor for Subway System Using Finite Element Method. International Conference on Electrical Machines and Systems (ICEMS), 8-2011, Beijing, China.

[19]Jinlin Gong, Alexandru Claudiu Berbecea, Frédéric Gillon, Pascal Brochet. Magnetic and Thermal 3D Finite Element Model of a Linear Induction Motor. Vehicle Power and Propulsion Conference (IEEE VPPC), Sep. 1-3, 2010, Lille, France.






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