博士生导师,中国电工技术学会控制与保护专委会委员,IEEE PES电力系统保护控制技术委员会(中国)电力线路保护分委会委员
2007.9-2013.8 mk体育副教授
2002.3-2007.8 mk体育讲师
[1]Current differential protection for active distribution networks based on improved fault data self synchronization method, IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, 2021, Early Access.
[2]Bridge-Type Multiport Fault Current Limiter for Applications in MTdc Grids, IEEE Trans. on Industrial Electronics, 2020,Early Access.
[3]Multiport Hybrid DC Circuit Breaker with Reduced Fault Isolation Time and Soft Reclosing Capability, IEEE Trans. on Industrial Electronics, 2021,Early Access.
[4]Combined Hybrid DC Circuit Breaker Capable of Controlling Current Flow,IEEE Trans. on Industrial Electronics, 2021, 68(11).
[5]A Reclosing Scheme of Hybrid DC Circuit Breaker for MMC-HVDC Systems, IEEE Journay of Emerging and Selected Topics on Power Electronics, 2020, Early Access.
[6]Diode-Bridge Multiport Hybrid DC Circuit Breaker for Multiterminal DC Grids,IEEE Trans. on Industrial Electronics, 2021, 68(1).
[7]A non-unit boundary protection of DC line for MMC-MTDC grids,International Journal of Electric Power and Energy Systems (IJEPES), 2020.
[8]Fault current limiter for the MMC-based multi-terminal DC grids, IET Generation Transmission and Distributin (IET G. T. D.), 2020.
[9]Faulty feeder selection and segment location method for SPTG fault in radial MMC-MVDC distribution grid, IET G. T. D., 2020.
[10]A Pilot Protection Scheme of DC Lines for Multi-Terminal HVDC Grid,IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, 2019, 34(5).
[11]、A non-unit line protection scheme for MMC-based multi-terminal HVDC grid, IJEPES, 2019.
[12]Single-ended line protection for MMC-MTDC grids, IET G. T. D., 2019.
[13]Fault property identification method and application for MTDC grids with hybrid DC circuit breaker, IJEPES, 2019.
[14]A fast protection scheme for VSC based multi-terminal DC grid, IJEPES, 2018.
[15]Multi-time scale optimal dispatch in ADN based on MILP, IJEPES, 2018.
[16]多端口直流断路器研究综述,中国电机工程学报,2021, 41(13).
[17]基于真双极的MTDC 电网直流线路快速保护,中国电机工程学报,2020.