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博士生导师, 泰山学者青年专家,齐鲁青年学者, IEEE   Member, 电力系统保护与控制》期刊青年编委, Associate Editor of Protection and   Control of Modern Power Systems (PCMP)



1999.9-2003.7  mk体育本科学习, 获学士学位

2003.9-2009.7  mk体育硕博连读, 获博士学位


2009.7-2011.7  山东大学控制科学与工程学院, 博士后

2009.7-2011.11  mk体育, 讲师

2011.12-2017.9  mk体育, 副教授

2017. 10 至今  mk体育, 教授

2016.7 至今   mk体育, 博士生导师

2022.1至今  mk体育,副院长


2009.11-2010.1 香港理工大学电机工程系, 访问学者

2014.4-2015.5  美国康涅狄格大学电气与计算机工程系, 访问学者


















电力系统稳定性分析与控制, 信息物理融合电力系统, 柔性直流电网



[1] 叶华, 刘玉田. 大规模时滞电力系统特征值计算(第二版). 北京: 科学出版社, 2023. (70万字)

[2] 叶华, 刘玉田. 大规模时滞电力系统特征值计算. 北京: 科学出版社, 2018. (35万字)

[3] 刘玉田, 王洪涛, 叶华. 电力系统恢复理论与技术. 北京: 科学出版社, 2014. (34万字)


[1] 大规模时滞电力系统振荡分析与控制关键技术及应用, 2021年山东省科技进步二等奖, 排名第1位.


[1] Guanqun Li, Hua Ye, Junru Chen, Qianying Mou. Transient stability analysis and enhancement of wind farm integrated MMC-HVDC system. CSEE Journal of Power and Energy Systems, in press.

[2] Hua Ye, Xiaofan Jia, Muyang Liu, Yutian Liu, Sicong Zhang. Partial solution operator discretization-based methods for efficiently computing least-damped eigenvalues of large time delayed power system. CSEE Journal of Power and Energy Systems, in press.

[3] Guanqun Li, Hua Ye, Zijun Bin. High-frequency oscillation mechanism analysis of wind-farm side MMC station considering converter transformer stray capacitance. International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems, 2023, 153(1), 109179.

[4] Hua Ye, Shilin Gao, Guanqun Li, Yutian Liu. An efficient and general method for estimating short-circuit current in MTDC grid. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 2021, 68(1): 258-269.

[5] Shilin Gao, Hua Ye, Yutian Liu. Accurate and efficient estimation of short-circuit current for MTDC grids considering MMC control. IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, 2020, 35(3): 1541-1552.

[6] Hua Ye, Tairan Li, Yutian Liu. Time integration-based IGD methods for eigen-analysis of large delayed cyber-physical power system. IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 2020, 35(2): 1376-1388.

[7] Qianying Mou, Hua Ye, Yutian Liu. Enabling highly efficient eigen-analysis of large delayed cyber-physical power systems by partial spectral discretization. IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 35(2): 1499-1508.

[8] Hua Ye, Kehan Liu, Qianying Mou, Yutian Liu. Modeling and formulation of DCPPS for small signal stability analysis and control. IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 2019, 34(3): 2419-2432.

[9] Qianying Mou, Hua Ye, Yutian Liu. Nonsmooth optimization-based WADC tuning in large delayed cyber-physical power system by interarea modes tracking and gradient sampling. IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 2019, 34(1): 668-679.

[10] Hua Ye, Qianying Mou, Xinlei Wang, Yutian Liu. Eigen-analysis of large delayed cyber-physical power system by time integration-based solution operator discretization methods. IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 2018, 33(6): 5968-5978.

[11] Hua Ye, Qianying Mou, Yutian Liu. Calculation of critical oscillation modes for large delayed cyber-physical power system using pseudo-spectral discretization of solution operator. IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 2017, 32(6): 4464-4476.

[12] Hua Ye, Qianying Mou, Yutian Liu. Enabling highly efficient spectral discretization-based eigen-analysis methods by Kronecker product. IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 2017, 32(5): 4148-4150.

[13] Hua Ye, Yutian Liu, Peng Zhang, Zhengchun Du. Analysis and detection of forced oscillation in power system. IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 2017, 32(2): 1149-1160.

[14] Hua Ye, Yutian Liu, Peng Zhang. Efficient eigen-analysis for large delayed cyber-physical power system using explicit infinitesimal generator discretization. IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 2016, 31(3): 2361-2370.

[15] Guanqun Li, Hua Ye, Shilin Gao, Yutian Liu, Lei Gao. Modeling and simulation of large power system with inclusion of bipolar MTDC grid. International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems, 2020, 116(1), 105565.

[16] Hua Ye, Jiahong Li, Min He, Yutian Liu, Lei Gao, Yanling Du, Haitao Liu. Power shift-based optimal corrective control for bipolar multi-terminal HVDC grid. IET Generation, Transmission & Distribution, 2019, 13(13): 2711-2720.

[17] Qianying Mou, Hua Ye, Yutian Liu, Lei Gao. Applications of matrix perturbation theory to delayed cyber-physical power system. International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems, 2019, 107(1): 507-515.

[18] 李冠群, 叶华, 宾子君. V/f控制MMC带换流变压器空载充电发生高频振荡的机理分析. 电力系统自动化, 2023, 47(11): 50-59.

[19] 陈俊儒, 李冠群, 刘牧阳, 叶华. 电网阻抗比对跟网变换器同步稳定性的影响机理. 中国电机工程学报, 2023, 43(6): 2331-2338.

[20] 贾小凡, 叶华, 刘玉田, 刘牧阳. 基于部分IGD-IRK的时滞电力系统特征值高效计算方法. 电力系统自动化, 2023, 47(12): 95-102.


[1] 提升小扰动稳定性的高惯量储能型同步调相机阻尼控制技术, 国家重点研发计划项目课题, 课题号: 2023YFB2406803, 616万, 负责人, 2023.11-2026.10.

[2] 构网/跟网型新能源发电交互机理与主动控制技术研究, 国网总部科技项目, 182万, 项目负责人, 2023.7-2025.12.

[3] 极高渗透率分布式光伏发电自适应并网与主动同步关键技术, 国家重点研发计划项目子课题, 课题号: 2022YFB2402904, 128万, 负责人, 2022.11-2025.10.

[4] 计及通信时滞和控制器参数不确定性的大规模电力系统小干扰稳定域研究, 国家自然科学基金面上项目, 批准号: 52077126, 58万, 项目负责人, 2021~2024.

[5] 面向不确定性的主动配电系统分布式概率预测辅助状态估计研究, 国家自然科学基金面上项目, 批准号: 52077125, 58万, 第2位, 2021~2024.





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