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博士生导师;中国电工技术学会电力系统控制与保护专委会委员;IEEE PES(中国)保护控制技术委员会电力线路保护分委会副主席;中国电工技术学会标准工作委员会分布式电源运行与控制工作组委员;IEEE Member


2013.9-至今  mk体育 教授

2007.9-2013.9  mk体育 副教授

2002.4-2007.9  mk体育 讲师

1995.7-2002.4  山东财政学院




















[1]Shuo Zhang, Guibin Zou, Feng Gao, Xiuyan Wei, Chenghan Zhou. A comprehensive review of multiport DC circuit breakers for MTdc grid protection, IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, 38(7), 2023.7.

[2]Chenghan Zhou, Guibin Zou, Shuo Zhang, Maoran Zheng, Junyang Tian, Tao Du. Mathematical morphology-based fault data self-synchronization method for differential protection in distribution networks, IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, 14(4), 2023.7.

[3]Shuo Zhang, Guibin Zou, Xiuyan Wei, Chenghan Zhou, Chengquan Zhang. Multiport current-limiting hybrid DC circuit breaker for MTdc grids, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 70(5), 2023.5.

[4]Xiuyan Wei, Guibin Zou, Chaochao Chen, Shuo Zhang, Chenghan Zhou, Shenglan Song. Single-ended DC line protection scheme based on first peak time of current-limiting reactor voltage, International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems, 152, 2023.10.

[5]Xiuyan Wei, Guibin Zou, Shuo Zhang, Chengquan Zhang. A coupling voltage based adaptive reclosing scheme for flexible DC grid, IET Generation, Transmission & Distribution, 17(5), 2023.3.

[6]Xiuyan Wei, Guibin Zou, Shuo Zhang, Chaochao Chen, Chunhua Xu, Weijie Sun. A single-ended protection method for flexible DC distribution grid, IET Generation, Transmission & Distribution, 17(11), 2023.6.

[7]Chengquan Zhang, Guibin Zou, Shuo Zhang, Chunhua Xu, Weijie Sun. Multiport hybrid DC circuit breaker with current flow control for MTDC grids, IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, 37(12), 2022.12.

[8]Lindong Zang, Guibin Zou, Chenghan Zhou, Maoran Zheng, Tao Du. A d-axis based current differential protection scheme for an active distribution network, Protection and Control of Modern Power Systems, 7(1), 2022.12.

[9]Shuo Zhang, Guibin Zou, Xiuyan Wei, Chenghan Zhou, Kunyin Zhou. Improved integrated hybrid DC circuit breaker for MTDC grid protection, IEEE Transactions on Circuit and System-II: Express and Briefs, 69(12), 2022.12.

[10]Xiuyan Wei, Guibin Zou, Shuo Zhang, Chunhua Xu. Frequency domain impedance based protection for flexible DC distribution grid, IEEE Access, 10, 2022.11.

[11]Chenghan Zhou, Guibin Zou, Xiaogong Du, Lindong Zang. Adaptive current differential protection for active distribution network considering time synchronization error, International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems, 140, 2022.9.

[12]Shuo Zhang, Guibin Zou, Xiuyan Wei, Chengquan Zhang. Bridge-type multiport fault current limiter for applications in MTdc grids, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 69(7), 2022.7.

[13]Shuo Zhang, Guibin Zou, Xiuyan Wei, Chengquan Zhang. Multiport hybrid DC circuit breaker with reduced fault isolation time and soft reclosing capability, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 69(4), 2022.4.

[14]Chenghan Zhou, Guibin Zou, Lindong Zang, Xiaogong Du. Current differential protection for active distribution networks based on improved fault data self-synchronization method,IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, 13(1), 2022.1.

[15]Shuo Zhang, Guibin Zou, Chunhua Xu, Weijie Sun. A reclosing scheme of hybrid DC circuit breaker for MMC-HVDC systems, IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics, 9(6), 2021.12.

[16]Shuo Zhang, Guibin Zou, Xiuyan Wei, Chengquan Zhang. Combined hybrid DC circuit breaker capable of controlling current flow,IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 68(11), 2021.11.

[17]Shuo Zhang, Guibin Zou, Xiuyan Wei, Chenjun Sun. Diode-bridge multiport hybrid DC circuit breaker for multiterminal DC grids, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 68(1), 2021.1.

[18]Shuo Zhang, Guibin Zou, Chuanjie Wang, Jun Li, Bin Xu. A non-unit boundary protection of DC line for MMC-MTDC grids, International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems, 116, 2020.3.

[19]Qiang Huang, Guibin Zou, Weijie Sun, Chunhua Xu. Fault current limiter for the MMC-based multi-terminal DC grids, IET Generation, Transmission & Distribution, 14(16), 2020.8.

[20]Yu Zeng, Guibin Zou, Xin Zhang, Xiuyan Wei, Lingtong Jiang, Chenjun Sun. Faulty feeder selection and segment location method for SPTG fault in radial MMC-MVDC distribution grid, IET Generation, Transmission & Distribution, 14(2), 2020.1.

[21]Qiang Huang, Guibin Zou, Shuo Zhang, Houlei Gao. A pilot protection scheme of DC lines for multi-terminal HVDC grid,IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, 34(5), 2019.10.

[22]Shuo Zhang, Guibin Zou, Qiang Huang, Bin Xu, Jun Li. Single-ended line protection for MMC-MTDC grids, IET Generation, Transmission & Distribution, 13(19), 2019.10.

[23]Shuo Zhang, Guibin Zou, Bowei Li, Bin Xu, Jun Li. Fault property identification method and application for MTDC grids with hybrid DC circuit breaker, International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems, 110, 2019.9.

[24]Qiang Huang, Guibin Zou, Xiuyan Wei, Chenjun Sun, Houlei Gao. A non-unit line protection scheme for MMC-based multi-terminal HVDC grid, International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems, 107, 2019.5.

[25]Guibin Zou, Yuwei Ma, Jingjing Yang, Meiyi Hou. Multi-time scale optimal dispatch in ADN based on MILP, International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems, 102, 2018.11.

[26]Yu Zeng, Guibin Zou, Xiuyan Wei, Chenjun Sun, Lingtong Jiang. A novel protection and location scheme for pole-to-pole fault in MMC-MVDC distribution grid, Energies, 11(8), 2018.8.

[27]Guibin Zou, Qian Feng, Qiang Huang, Chenjun Sun, Houlei Gao. A fast protection scheme for VSC based multi-terminal DC grid, International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems, 98, 2018.6.

[28]Guibin Zou, Shenglan Song, Shuo Zhang, Yuzhi Li, Houlei Gao. A novel busbar protection based on the average product of fault components, Energies, 11(5), 2018.5.

[29]Shuo Zhang, Guibin Zou, Qiang Huang, Houlei Gao. A traveling-wave-based fault location scheme for MMC-based multi-terminal DC grids, Energies, 11(2), 2018.2.

[30]谢仲润, 邹贵彬, 杜肖功, 高厚磊. 基于真双极的MTDC电网直流线路快速保护,中国电机工程学报,40(6), 2020.6.

[31]周成瀚, 邹贵彬, 杜肖功, 杨晶晶. 基于正序电流故障分量的有源配电网纵联保护,中国电机工程学报,40(7), 2020.7.

[32]张烁, 邹贵彬, 魏秀燕, 张成泉. 多端口直流断路器研究综述, 中国电机工程学报,41(13),2021.7.

[33]周成瀚, 邹贵彬, 张烁, 温旭辉, 郑茂然, 田君杨. 基于参考相量的配电网差动保护故障自同步方法,电网技术,47(9),2023.9.

[34]张烁, 邹贵彬, 魏秀燕, 张成泉. 基于多端口混合式直流断路器的柔性直流电网故障性质识别方法,高电压技术,48(3),2022.3.

[35]张烁, 邹贵彬, 魏秀燕, 张成泉. 适用于柔性直流电网的新型多端口混合式直流断路器,电力自动化设备,42(11),2022.11.

[36]张成泉, 邹贵彬, 张烁, 魏秀燕. 适用于多端柔性直流电网的潮流控制器,电力系统保护与控制,50(20),2022.10.

[37]丁敬明, 邹贵彬, 周成瀚, 温旭辉, 杨晶晶, 栾国军. 考虑参数不对称的配电网单相接地故障柔性消弧方法,电力系统保护与控制,51(12),2023.9.





















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