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12001.10, “解析法计算任意形状薄钢板的涡流损耗”获得山东电机工程学会优秀论文二等奖;


32005.5,A novel hybrid FEM-BEM method for 3D eddy current field calculation using J”获得山东电机工程学会优秀论文一等奖;










13、中国电机工程学会高级会员,中国电机学报、电工技术学报、国家自然基金、IEEE MAGENERGIES等评审专家。


1、一种金属检测器 ZL201130957502.9

2、一种电动汽车充电站选址优化方法 ZL201210391040.4

3、一种电动汽车充电站选址优化方法 ZL201210391040.4

4、基于剩磁预测和断路器离散性改进的抑制涌流系统及方法 ZL201410623589.0

5、一种具有金属异物检测的电动汽车无线充电系统 ZL201510178620.9

6、一种用于电动汽车无线充电的定位系统 ZL201510207898.1


8、一种电动汽车无线与交流联合充电系统及其方法 ZL201610891393.9

9、采用锁相环进行异物检测的电动汽车无线充电系统及方法 ZL201710454705.4

10、一种应用于水下无线充电的耦合线圈和磁芯结构与系统 ZL201710388670.9

11、一种金属异物检测方法及磁耦合谐振式无线充电装置 ZL201810252417

12、电动汽车充放电调度及方法 ZL201811330939

13、一种多频率磁耦合谐振式无线电能传输系统及充电系统 ZL20181094893.6

14、一种基于阵列式线圈的金属物体检测系统及方法 ZL202010499432.7

15、一种金属物体检测传感器及检测装置 ZL20201049473.6


1 Feng Guowen, Liu Zhizhen, Hou Yanjin, Luo Xueqing, Sun Shuyao, Ding Ran, Yu Aiguo. Parameter Optimization of Double LCC MCRWPT System Based on ZVS. Energies,2021,8(SCIEI检索)

2 Fan Shujing, Liu Zhizhen, Feng Guowen, Ali Naghmash, Hou Yanjin. Dynamic Process Analysis and Voltage Stabilization Control of Multi-Load Wireless Power Supply System. Energies,2021.3(SCIEI检索)

3 朱旭帅, 刘志珍, 刘振友, 魏小钊, 冯国文. 3.0T颅脑磁共振主磁体线圈优化设计.电气自动化,2021,43(03)

4 Ali Naghmash, Liu Zhizhen, Armghan Hammad, Ahmad Iftikhar, Hou Yanjin. LCC-S-Based Integral Terminal Sliding Mode Controller for a Hybrid Energy Storage System Using a Wireless Power System. Energies,2021,3(SCIEI检索)

5 张新城,刘志珍,侯延进,范书静. 计及冬季预热需求的居民区电动汽车负荷调度策略.电力自动化设备,2020.11(EI检索)

6 Naghmash Ali, Zhizhen Liu, Yanjin Hou, Hammad Armghan, Xiaozhao Wei, Ammar Armghan.LCC-S Based Discrete Fast Terminal Sliding Mode Controller for Efficient Charging through Wireless Power Transfer.Energies,2020.3(SCIEI检索)

7 梁留欢,刘志珍,范书静,唐国深,侯延进,Naghmash Ali.应用于双负载同步供电的双频无线电能传输系统.中国电机工程学报,2020.4(EI检索)

8 Guowen Feng, Zhizhen Liu, Xiaozhao Wei, Zhenyou Liu, Xushuai Zhu, Shumei Shao. Study of Double-Sided LCC Compensation Wireless Power Transfer Based on Zero Voltage Switching. 2020 IEEE 3rd Student Conference on Electrical Machines and Systems (SCEMS)(EI检索)

9 Zhenyou Liu, Xushuai Zhu, Shumei Shao, Zhizhen Liu, Xiaozhao Wei. Optimization Design of Electromagnetic Stirrer Based on Finite Element Model and NSGA-II Algorithm. 2020 IEEE 3rd Student Conference on Electrical Machines and Systems (SCEMS)(EI检索)

10 Xiaozhao Wei, Zhizhen Liu, Zhenyou Liu, Xuehua Yu, Xushuai Zhu, Guowen Feng. Research on the Influence of Foreign Object on LCC-LCC Electric Vehicle Wireless Charging System. 2020 IEEE 1st China International Youth Conference on Electrical Engineering (CIYCEE)(EI检索)

11 Shujing Fan, Zhizhen Liu, Shasha Zong, Yanjin Hou.Control Strategy of Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor for Electric Vehicle Based on Wavelet Neural Network.2020 IEEE 4th Information Technology, Networking, Electronic and Automation Control Conference (ITNEC)(EI检索)

12 Shasha Zong, Zhizhen Liu, Shujing Fan, Zhenyou Liu, Guoping Liu, Yanjin Hou.Control Strategy of Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor for Electric Vehicle Based on Wavelet Neural Network.2020 IEEE 4th Information Technology, Networking, Electronic and Automation Control Conference (ITNEC)(EI检索)

13 Yue Zengkai, Sun Zhizhou, Liu Zhizhen. Design and magnetic field simulation of 3.0T MRI superconducting magnet. IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity, v 29, n 2, March 2019(SCIEI检索)

14 Wenchang Liu, Zhizhen Liu, Shumei Shao, Xincheng Zhang, Xiaozhao Wei. Research on Magnetic Coupling Mechanism of Wireless Power Supply System with Flat Pickup. 2019 IEEE 4th Advanced Information Technology, Electronic and Automation Control Conference (IAEAC)(EI检索)

15 Tang  Guoshen, Liu Zhizhen, Liang  Liuhuan, Zhang  Xincheng, Hou  Yanjin. Study on Frequency Splitting of SS Magnetic Resonance Wireless Charging. Source: 2018 International Conference on Power System Technology, POWERCON 2018 - Proceedings, p 4155-4160, July 2, 2018, 2018 International Conference on Power System Technology, POWERCON 2018-Proceedings(EI检索)

16 Duan  Lijin, Liu.Zhizhen, Hou, Yanjin, Liu. Wenchang, Zhang, Xincheng. Research on Control Strategy of Reversible Charger for Electric Vehicles. Source: 2018 International Conference on Power System Technology, POWERCON 2018 - Proceedings, p 1357-1361, July 2, 2018, 2018 International Conference on Power System Technology, POWERCON 2018-Proceedings(EI检索)

17 Wang Yang, Liu Zhizhen, Chen  Hongxing. Research on Residual Flux Prediction of the Transformer. Source: IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, v 53, n 6, June 2017(SCIEI检索)

18 Qiao Feng, Liu  Zhizhen, Zong  Kun. Enhanced model reference adaptive control based on data-driven technique for permanent magnet synchronous motors with uncertainties (Open Access). Source: Journal of Engineering Science and Technology Review, v10, n4, p72-80, 2017(EI检索)

19 Hao Zeng, Zhizhen Liu, Yanjin Hou, Tong Hei, Bo Zhou. Optimization of Magnetic Core Structure for Wireless Charging Coupler. IEEE Transactions on Magnetics201753(6)(SCIEI检索)

20 王洋,刘志珍.基于蛙跳模糊算法的Jiles Atherton铁心磁滞模型参数确定. 电工技术学报, 2017.4EI检索)

21 王洋,刘志珍.基于Jiles Atherton磁滞理论的直流偏磁下铁心损耗预测. 中国电机工程学报. 2017.1EI检索)

22 刘志珍,曾浩,陈红星等,电动汽车无线充电系统磁芯结构的设计与优化,电机与控制学报,2017,12 (EI检索)

23 刘志珍,杨勇,基于分时电价的电动汽车群有序充电策略研究,电机与控制学报,2017,4 (EI检索)

24 Hou Yanjin Yang Yong, Liu Zhizhen, Sun Linlin. A discontinuous coordinated charging strategy for electric vehicles. Source: Proceedings of the 2016 IEEE 11th Conference on Industrial Electronics and Applications,Proceedings of the 2016 IEEE 11th Conference on Industrial Electronics and Applications, ICIEA 2016(EI检索)

25 Wang, Yang ; Liu, Zhizhen. Estimation Model of Core Loss under DC Bias. Source: IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity, v 26, n 7, October 2016SCIEI检索)

26 H. Yanjin, Y. Yong, L. Zhizhen and S. Linlin. A discontinuous coordinated charging strategy for electric vehicles, 2016 IEEE 11th Conference on Industrial Electronics and Applications (ICIEA)(EI检索)

27 Hei, T., Liu, Z. Z., Yang, Y., Chen, H., Zhou, B., Zeng, H. A monitoring system based on electric vehicle three-stage wireless charging, 40(1) (SCIEI检索)

28 Chen, H. X., Liu, Z. Z., Zeng, H., Qu, X. D., & Hou, Y. J. (2016). Study on high efficient electric vehicle wireless charging system, 40(1) (EI检索)

29 Qiao Feng, Liu Zhizhen Enhanced velocity tracking control using higher-order model-free adaptive approach for permanent magnet synchronous motor,2016,9(4) (EI检索)

30 Wang Yang, Liu Zhizhen, Estimation Model of Core Loss Under DC Bias,IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON APPLIED SUPERCONDUCTIVITY,2016,26(7)(SCIEI检索)

31 Yang Yong, Liu Zhizhen, Cong Min, Qi Guozheng, Hu Gang. The application of inrush current restraining technology in transformer economic operation. Source: 2015 18th International Conference on Electrical Machines and Systems. 2015 18th International Conference on Electrical Machines and Systems, ICEMS 2015(EI检索)

32 廖伟平,刘志珍,王鹏.基于电容放电提高磁阀可控电抗器响应速度的研究. 电器与能效管理技术.2015(18)

33 Y. Yong, L. Zhizhen, Q. Dongming, W. Jian and H. Tong, "Research on coordinated charging for electric vehicles," 2015 18th International Conference on Electrical Machines and Systems (ICEMS), Pattaya, 2015, pp. 525-530. (EI检索)

34 曲晓东,杨勇,刘志珍,侯延进.平衡线圈金属检测技术在无线电能传输中应用. 电力电子技术. 2014.10

35 杨勇,曲晓东,刘志珍,侯延进.一种改进的高灵敏度金属检测系统. 微型机与应用. 2014(17)

36 董霞,刘志珍.三相变压器直流偏磁仿真分析. 电力自动化设备. 2013(07)(EI检索)

37 Wang Jian, Wu Kuihua, Liu Zhizhen, Wu Kuizhong, Li Zhihui. Stochastic modeling and optimization scheduling for electric vehicle charging. Source: Journal of Information and Computational Science, v 10, n 11, p 3411-3420, July 20, 2013(EI检索)

38 王建,吴奎华,刘志珍. 电动汽车充电对配电网负荷影响及有序控制研究,电力自动化设备,2013.0833(8):47-52 (EI检索)

39 Wang Jian, Wu Kuihua, Liu Zhizhen. Research on high power factor rectifier applied to electrical vehicle charger, Journal of Computational Information Systems,2013.08,9(15):5947-5954

40 Wang Jian, Liu Zhizhen. Impact of electric vehicle charging mode on load characteristic in the Shandong electric power grid, 2nd International Conference on Energy Environment and Sustainable Development(EESD). 2013, 608-609: 1582-1586(EI检索)

41 Sun, Y. T., Zhang, H. D., Li, Z. H., Li, J. X., Qi, C., & Liu, Z. Z. (2013). The impact of electric vehicle charging stations on power flow calculation and grid loss. Applied Mechanics & Materials, 325-326, 628-631. (EI检索)

42 董霞,刘志珍,宁大海,甘信广,高一飞,陈冉,牟旭涛.基于传输线模型的三相变压器直流偏磁仿真分析. 电力系统保护与控制. 2012(23)(EI检索)

43 董霞,刘志珍.直流偏磁下单相变压器的传输线模型. 电机与控制学报. 2012,10.EI检索)

44 王伟,刘风亮,贾洪利,刘志珍. 电磁搅拌线圈的一种改进设计. 铸造技术. 2012(07)

45 Hu, Wenjing (School of Electrical Engineering, Shandong University, Jinan, China); Liu, Zhizhen; Li, Zhihui. Quantitative analysis of noise impact on Duffing chaotic detection system using lyapunov characteristic exponents. Source: Applied Mechanics and Materials, v 130-134, p 1331-1337, 2012, Mechanical and Electronics Engineering III(EI检索)

46 Shang, Jian (School of Electrical Engineering, Shandong University, Jinan, China); Liu, Zhizhen; Zhang, Yan; Duan, Sihao. An improved Z-source boost-buck rectifier topology with lower DC output voltage. Source: Advanced Materials Research, v 383-390, p 2145-2150, 2012, Manufacturing Science and Technology(EI检索)

47 Shang, Jian (School of Electrical Engineering, Shandong University, Jinan, China); Liu, Zhizhen; Zhang, Yan. Analysis and experimental validation of performance of Z-source inverter-fed permanent magnet brushless DC motor drive. Source: Advanced Materials Research, v 383-390, p 7063-7068, 2012, Manufacturing Science and Technology(EI检索)

48 Li Zhihui, Jian Qingzhi, Zhang Huadong.The impact of electric vehicles fast charging on the grid voltage and current fluctuations. The 4th International Conference on Mechanical and Electronics Engineering (ICMEE2012) ( EI conference), pp868-871, Weihai, China, Aug 24-26, 2012(EI检索)

49 Yutian Sun, Huadong Zhang, Zhihui Li. The impact of Electric vehicle charging stations on power flow calculation and grid loss. The International Workshop on Mechanical and Material Engineering (IWMME 2012) (EI conference), pp868-871, Wuhan, China, Nov, 2012(EI检索)

50 杜学龙,刘志珍,王建. 电动汽车充电站谐波抑制方法的对比分析.电力系统保护与控制,第40卷(19, 139-143, 2012(EI检索)

51 刘志珍,杜学龙,薛亮等,电动汽车充电站中谐波相互抑制的研究. 徐州工业学院学报, 第27卷(31-5, 2012(EI检索)

52 Wang Jian, Wu Kuihua,Liu Zhizhen. Electric vehicle charging station load forecasting and impact of the load curve, 4th International Conference on Mechanical and Electrical Technology(ICMET 2012).,2012,229-231:853-858(EI检索)

53 Yutian Sun, Yong Sun, Xuelong Du, et al. The comparison and analysis on harmonic suppression of EV charging station. The International Workshop on Mechanical and Material Engineering, 853-858, Wuhan, China, Nov, 2012(EI检索)

54 Wang, J., Wu, K. H., Wang, F., Wu, K. Z., & Liu, Z. Z. (2012). Impact of electric vehicle charging mode on load characteristic in the shandong electric power grid. Advanced Materials Research, 608-609, 1582-1586 (EI检索)

55 胡文静,刘志珍,厉志辉. 用于微弱信号检测的改进Duffing混沌电路性能分析. 电机与控制学报. 2011.9EI检索)

56 Dong, Xia ; Liu, Zhizhen; Sun, Linlin. Electric circuit and magnetic circuit combined model of three-phase three-legged transformer under DC bias. Source: Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, v 134 LNEE, p 353-360, 2011, Advances in Electrical Engineering and Electrical Machines(EI检索)

57 Dong, Xia ; Liu, Zhizhen; Liu, Bin. Simulating analysis of magnetization characteristic curve and exciting current of transformer on DC bias. Source: DRPT 2011 - 2011 4th International Conference on Electric Utility Deregulation and Restructuring and Power Technologies, p 1848-1851, 2011, DRPT 2011 - 2011 4th International Conference on Electric Utility Deregulation and Restructuring and Power Technologies(EI检索)

58 Hu, Wenjing ; Liu, Zhizhen; Li, Zhihui. The design of improved Duffing chaotic circuit used for high-frequency weak signal detection. Source: Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, v 97 LNEE, n VOL. 1, p 831-838, 2011, Electronics and Signal Processing - Selected Papers from the 2011 International Conference on Electric and Electronics, EEIC 2011(EI检索)

59 厉志辉, 王志伟, 薛亮,刘志珍.电动汽车充电站负荷预测及对电网负荷曲线的影响. 2011 中国电机工程学会高电压年会, 济南, 中国, 11, 2011, 会议报告

60 Xue-long Du, Zhi-zhen Liu, et al. The improvement on Simulation Model of Charging station. 2011 2nd International Conference of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, pp347-354, December 1-2, 2011, Macau, China (EI检索)

61 W. Jian, L. Zhizhen, W. Kuihua, W. Feng and Z. Yi, "Impact of plug-in hybrid electric vehicles on power distribution networks," 2011 4th International Conference on Electric Utility Deregulation and Restructuring and Power Technologies (DRPT), Weihai, Shandong, 2011, pp. 1618-1622. (EI检索)

62 王建,刘志珍,王锋.EMS测试系统中的主要设备选型. 电子质量. 2010(02)

63 刘滨,刘志珍,刘凤亮.基于ANSYS的永磁除铁器的磁场计算与分析. 矿山机械. 2010(01)

64 Dong, Xia; Liu, Zhizhen; Liu, Bin; Zhang, Lianming. Simulating analysis of single-phase transformer under DC bias. Source: Proceedings - International Conference on Electrical and Control Engineering, ICECE 2010, p 4200-4203, 2010, Proceedings - International Conference on Electrical and Control Engineering, ICECE 2010 Language: Chinese(EI检索)

65 Hu, Wenjing ; Liu, Zhizhen. Study of metal detection based on chaotic theory. Source: Proceedings of the World Congress on Intelligent Control and Automation (WCICA), p 2309-2314, 2010, 2010 8th World Congress on Intelligent Control and Automation, WCICA 2010(EI检索)

66 Dong, Xia ; Liu, Zhizhen; Liu, Bing. Calculation and simulation of single-phase transformer under DC bias. Source: Asia-Pacific Power and Energy Engineering Conference, APPEEC,2010, 2010 Asia-Pacific Power and Energy Engineering Conference, APPEEC 2010 Proceedings(EI检索)

67 Liu Zhizhen, Xu Tianxi. Design for assembly valve controller based on DeviceNet Fieldbus. ICIT2008,2008.4EI检索)

68 刘志珍,张忠祥.电—气比例阀高压驱动+低压PWM的双压控制模式研究. 农业机械化学报,2008.7EI检索)

69 张忠祥,刘志珍.高速开关电磁阀的模型分析及控制方法研究. 电气应用. 2007(11)

70 Liu Zhizhen, Zhang Zhongxiang. Second Modulate Method of the High Speed On-Off Electromagnetic Valve and Its Application to Pressure Regulating Valves. IECON07, 200710EI检索)

71 刘志珍,杨志坚.铝电解槽三维磁场的计算与优化(II, 山东大学学报,2007.2

72 刘志珍,杨志坚.铝电解槽三维磁场的计算与优化(I, 山东大学学报,2007.1

73 赵妍,刘志珍.基于MAX1452的压力传感器温度补偿. 电气应用. 2006(04)

74 Liu Zhizhen, Yang Zhizhan. A Detecting Approach of Harmonic Currents Based on the Circuit Model and Neural Network Theory. IEEE IAS2005 , 2005.10EI检索)

75 Liu Zhizhen, Yang Zhizhan. Principle and Simulation of the Self-Tuning Passive Filter. IEEE IAS2005 , 2005.10EI检索)

76 刘志珍,杨志坚,于爱国.新型可控无源滤波器的实验研究,电力电子技术,2005.8

77 刘志珍.可控无源滤波器的原理与实验研究,高电压技术,2005.7(EI检索)

78 刘志珍.低压配电系统中零序电流谐波抑制技术的研究,电网技术,2005.2

79 刘志珍,安琳. 电磁阀的有限元磁场分析及吸力计算,山东大学学报,2004.12

80 于志豪,刘志珍.基于电路模型和神经元网络的谐波电流检测方法研究,电工技术学报,2004.9(EI检索)

81 刘志珍,杨志坚,肖玲,于立春.异步电动机单边磁拉力的分析与计算,山东大学学报(工学版),2004.1

82 刘志珍.电机曲线数据库的自动生成,微特电机,2004.1

83 LIU Zhizhen,WANG Yanzhang,JIA Zhiping,SUN Yingming, 3D eddy current field calculation by the hybrid FE-BE method using current density J, SCIENCE IN CHINA (Series E), Vol. 33(1), 2003(SCI检索)

84 金一平,刘志珍. 自动调谐无源滤波器的仿真研究,电工技术杂志, 2003年12

85 刘志珍,刘静.基于VBA技术的变压器铁心叠积图绘制,山东大学学报(工学版),2003.5

86 于志豪, 刘志珍. DLL实现电机设计函数的重复利用,微特电机,2003.4

87 陈志勇,刘志珍, 王兰芬. 电气设备曲线数据库的自动生成,山东大学学报(理学版),2003.4

88 于志豪, 刘志珍. VBVC混合编程在电机设计中的应用,中小型电机,20032

89 Liu, Zhizhen (School of Electrical Engineering, Shandong University, Jinan 250061, China); Wang, Yanzhang; Jia, Zhiping; Sun, Yingming. A novel hybrid FEM-BEM method for 3D eddy current field calculation using current density J. Source: Science in China, Series E: Technological Sciences, v 46, n 1, February 2003

90 刘志珍,王衍章,贾智平,等,直接用电密J计算导体三维涡流场的FE-BE耦合法,中国科学(E辑),Vol. 32(6), 2002

91 刘志珍,电力变压器漏磁场及杂散损耗的模块化计算,山东大学学报(工学版),2002(6)

92 刘志珍,袁克道, 变压器曲线数据库的自动生成方法,变压器, 2002(5)

93 Liu Zhizhen, Chen Hongyan and Yu ZhihaoHarmonic Analysis of Arc Suppression Coil Based on Transformer with High Short Circuit ImpedancePowerCon2002,2002.9

94 李清泉,刘志珍, 李彦明. TN系统的雷电流分布,山东大学学报(工学版),2002.6

95 刘志珍,朱常青,励庆孚,计算导体涡流分布的FEM-IEM混合数学模型,电工技术学报,Vol. 16(4),2001EI检索)

96 Liu Zhizhen,Wang Xuguo,Li Qingfu, Modularized Program to Calculate Magnetic Leakage Field and Stray Losses in a Power Transformer, ICEMS20018.31-9.3(ISTP检索)

97 Han Jun, Liu Zhizhen. The development of 110kV resin-cast dry-type transformers. Proceedings of ICEMS2001, Aug 31-Sep 2 2001(ISTP检索)

98 刘志珍,励庆孚,σ*-M积分方程求解三维非线性磁场,电工技术学报,Vol. 15(4), 2000

99 刘志珍, 励庆孚,大型电力变压器套关升高座涡流损耗的研究,西安交通大学学报,Vol. 34(2), 2000 EI检索)

100 刘志珍,励庆孚,载流电缆在有限长尺寸圆柱壳中产生的涡流,高电压技术,Vol. 26(1), 2000EI检索)

101 刘志珍,励庆孚,解析法计算任意形状薄钢板的涡流损耗,电工技术学报,Vol. 14(4), 1999

102 刘志珍,励庆孚,积分方程与解析法组合计算薄钢板的涡流损耗,变压器,1999(11)

103 刘志珍,励庆孚,改进的解析法计算薄钢板的涡流损耗,电工电能新技术,1999(10)

104 Liu Zhizhen, Li Qingfu, Analytical method to determine eddy current losses of a thin steel plate, Proceedings of CICEM1999, Aug 31-Sep 2 1999

105 刘志珍,高精度单相电机断开转速测试仪的研制,中小型电机,19988

106 刘志珍,一种新型交流励磁变速恒频风力发电机的研究,电工技术杂志,19985

107 王秀和,刘志珍.带辅助极永磁起动机的结构、原理与性能分析,山东工业大学学报,Vol.283,1998

108 Zhang Zongchang, Liu Zhizhen, Zhu Changqing. Study of a VSCF AC excited wind power generator in the wind/diesel generation system. Proceedings of CICEM1995, Aug 31-Sep 2 1995 (EI检索)

109 Zhang Zengchang, Zhang Duanqiao, Liu Zhizhen. Design method of windings for self-cascade machine. Proceedings of CICEM1999, Aug 31-Sep 2 1995 (EI检索)

110 Zhang Zengchang, Zhu Changqing, Liu Zhizhen. Single-phase supply transformer with the three-phase symmetrical input. Proceedings of CICEM1999, Aug 31-Sep 2 1995 (EI检索)

111 Zhang Zengchang, Li Guangyou, Liu Zhizhen. Discussion on cut-off braking of double-winding with short-circuit capacitor. Proceedings of CICEM1999, Aug 31-Sep 2 1995 (EI检索)

112 Zhang Zengchang, Li Guangyou, Liu Zhizhen. Discussion on cut-off braking of double-winding with short-circuit capacitor. Proceedings of CICEM1999, Aug 31-Sep 2 1995 EI检索)

113 Liu Zhizhen, Zou Yong, Zhang Zengchang. Application of a computer to wind/diesel parallel connection generation system. Proceedings of CICEM1995, Aug 31-Sep 2 1995 (EI检索)


1、 “基于数据驱动预测控制的混合动力汽车转矩协调控制策略研究”,2014年国家自然科学基金项目,25万。

2、 “基于平衡线圈技术的电动汽车无线充电异物检测及对位技术研究”,山东省2016年重点研发计划资助,25万。

3、 “电动汽车高效快速无线充电技术研究”,山东省2016年重大关键技术项目,100万。

4、 “配合变压器经济运行的励磁涌流抑制技术研究”,山东省2016年重点研发计划资助,20万。

5、 3.0T…….共振线圈关键技术研究”,山东省2016年军民融合项目,500万。

6、 “颅脑新生儿核磁共振技术研究”,山东省2019年重大创新项目,1000万。

7、 “特锐德箱式电力设备智能工厂”,2017年国家工信部智能制造新模式应用项目,2亿。

8、 “电动汽车充换电对局域电网的影响”,国家电网2012年项目,310万。

9、 “海尔电器电脑控制板评估”,海尔集团,2016-2022,100万。

10、 “电动汽车用大功率永磁同步电机驱动系统的研究”,济南市科技局2012年项目,50万。

11、 “基于磁耦合谐振的电动汽车无线充电技术研究”,横向委托课题,2018-2021,330万。

12、 “电饭煲无线供电的金属异物检测技术研究”,2014年海尔委托课题,50万。

13、 “电磁搅拌系统研发”,横向委托课题,2020-2021,66万。

14、 “磁控电抗器无功补偿及箱变涌流抑制切换系统”,2016-2017,特锐德委托课题,80万。

15、 “互联网+电气应用及精细金属检测研发”,2021-2024,横向委托课题,300万。

16、 “换电柜充电装置研发”,2021-2022,横向委托课题,34万。

17、 1997-1999年,作为博士论文课题,为西安变压器厂开发了“换流变压器的漏磁场计算及杂散损耗的分析”软件,这期间还参与研发了国家经贸委重点计划项目“电气化铁路三相变两相平衡牵引变压器

18、 2002-2004年,作为博士后课题为山东渤海活塞集团股份公司筹划电解铝项目中的电气配置,并承担中国博士后科学基金项目铝电解槽磁场分布的遗传算法优化研究,并就整流器谐波抑制问题,“有源滤波器和可控无源滤波器混合抑制装置”获得2003山东省教育厅基金资助

19、 2004年,获得山东省经贸委资助开发“三相四线制中线零序谐波电流的抑制”。

20、 200410月,“铝电解槽三维磁场的计算与优化”获得山东省优秀青年奖励基金资助

21、 2005年,为费斯托公司完成“电磁阀的磁场分析软件开发”;承担 “电-气PWM调制数字比例阀的开发”项目。

22、 2006年,参与国家自然科学基金项目“车用新型带辅助极永磁起动机研究”。

23、 2007年承担山东省重点研发计划项目“基于平衡线圈技术的高精度金属探测器研究”,并受济南市科技明星计划资助。

24、 20077月承担山东省博士后项目“游梁式抽油机综合节能系统的研究”。



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