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发布时间:2015年10月09日 09:28    作者:    点击:[]




硕士研究生导师、IEEE member、中国电源协会电气化交通专委会委员、中国电机工程学会会员


2013.03至今  mk体育

2018.12-2019.11  法国国立高等工程技术大学(ENSAM)访问学者

2011.09-2012.08  法国国立高等工程技术大学(ENSAM)助教(A.T.E.R)










山东 济宁












3. 伺服驱动控制研究



1. J. Gong, X. Wang, B. Zhao, F. Tan, E. Semail, N. Nguyen, N. Bracikowski, Design, Analysis of a Seven-Phase fault-tolerant Bi-Harmonic Permanent Magnet Machine with Three Active Air Gaps for In-Wheel Traction Applications, IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion, Early Access.

2. J. Gong, B. Zhao, Y. Huang, E. Semail, N. Nguyen, Quantitative Comparisons of Outer-Rotor Permanent-Magnet Machines of Different Structures/Phases for In-Wheel Electrical Vehicle Application, Energies 2022, 15(18), 6688; pp. 1-19.

3. B. Zhao, J. Gong* et al, A Novel Five-Phase Fractional Slot Concentrated Winding with Low Space Harmonic Contents, IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, Vol. 57, No. 6, June 2021.

4. J. Gong, H. Zhang, B. Zhao, D. Fu, F. Gillon, Proposal of a Bi-Objective Kriging Adapted Output Space Mapping Technique for Electromagnetic Design Optimization, IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, Vol. 55, No. 6, June 2019.

5. J. Gong, H. Zahr, E. Semail, M. Trabelsi, B. Aslan, F. Scuiller, Design Considerations of Five-Phase Machine with Double p/3p Polarity. IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion, Vol. 34, No. 1, March 2019, pp.12-24.

6. J. Gong, F. Gillon, N. Bracikowski, Comparison of three space mapping techniques on electromagnetic design optimization. International Journal for Computation and Mathematics in Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Vol. 37, No. 2, pp. 1-14, Feb. 2018.

7. J. Gong, F. Gillon, J. T. Canh and Y. Xu, Proposal of a Kriging Output Space Mapping Technique for Electromagnetic Design Optimization. IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, Vol. 53, No. 6, June 2017.

8. H. Zahr, J. Gong*, E. Semail, F. Scuiller. Comparison of Optimized Control Strategies of a High-speed Traction Machine with Five Phases and Bi-harmonic Electromotive Force. Energies, Vol. 9, N°. 12, pp. 952. December 2016.

9. Jinlin GONG, Bassel ASLAN, Eric SEMAIL, Frédéric GILLON. High speed functionality optimization of five-phase pm machine using 3rd Harmonic Current. International Journal for Computation and Mathematics in Electrical and Electronic Engineering, vol. 31, No. 3, pp. 879-893, ISBN: 0332-1649, May, 2014.

10. Jinlin GONG, Alexandru Claudiu BERBECEA, Frédéric GILLON, Pascal BROCHET. Multi-objective Optimization of a Linear Induction Motor using 3D FEM. International Journal for Computation and Mathematics in Electrical and Electronic Engineering. Vol. 31, No. 3, pp. 958-971, ISBN: 0332-1649, May, 2012.


1.X. Wang, J. Gong*, Y. Huang, E. Semail, N. Nguyen, L. Peng, High Quality Sensorless Control Strategy for Seven-phase PMSM in Full Speed Range, 2023 International Conference
on Electrical Machines and Systems (ICEMS 2023), Zhuhai, China.

2.X. Li, J. Gong*, X. Wang, N. Bracikowski, F. Gillon. Proposal of a Novel Line-Start Permanent Magnet Synchronous Machine Using Fractional Slot Concentrated Winding, 2023 International Conference on Electrical Machines and Systems (ICEMS 2023), Zhuhai, China.

3. Jinlin Gong, Benteng Zhao, Fei Tan et al, , Seven-phase axial and radial flux in-wheel machine with three active air gaps, XXVth International Conference on Electrical Machines, September, 2022, Spain.

4. Fei Tan, Jinlin Gong* et al, Optimal Design of a Five-phase External Rotor Permanent Magnet Machine for Convey Application, XXVth International Conference on Electrical Machines, September, 2022, Spain.

5. Youxi Huang, Jinlin Gong* et al, Sensorless Control of a Seven-phase Non-sinusoidal Permanent Magnet Synchronous Machine Using High Frequency Signal Injection Method. IEEE 4th Student Conference on Electric Machines and Systems, Dec., 2021, Huzhou, China.

6. Yifeng Zhu, Jinlin Gong*, High quality Open-circuit Fault Tolerant Control of a Bi-harmonic Seven-Phase Permanent Magnet Synchronous Machine. IEEE 4th Student Conference on Electric Machines and Systems, Dec., 2021, Huzhou, China.

7. B. Zhao, J. Gong, Y. Xu, E. Semail, N-k, Nguyen, N. Bracikowski, High Performance Evaluation of a Novel Topology of Five-Phase Fractional Slot Concentrated Non-Overlapping Winding, International Magnetics Conference, May, 2020, Canada.

8. V. Martin, J. Gong, B. Zhao, F. Gillon, Y. Xu, Cogging Torque Minimization of an Interior Permanent Magnet Machine Using Sub-domain Method, IEEE Conference on Electromagnetic Field Computation, Nov. 2020, Italy.

9. B. Zhao, J. Gong, T. Tong, Y. Xu, E. Semail, N-k, Nguyen, F. Gillon, A Novel Five Phase Fractional Slot Concentrated Winding with Low Space Harmonic Contents, IEEE Conference on Electromagnetic Field Computation, Nov. 2020, Italy.

10. Zhang Hao, Zhao Benteng, Gong Jinlin, Xu Yanliang, Duc Tan Vu, Ngac Ky Nguyen, Eric Semail, Tiago Jose dos Santos Moraes, Torque Optimization of a Seven-Phase Bi-harmonic PMSM in Healthy and Degraded Mode, International Conference on Electrical Machines and Systems (ICEMS), 8-2019, Harbin, China.

11. Keitaro Yanagihara, Duc Tan Vu, Ngac Ky Nguyen, Jinlin Gong, Eric Semail1, Tiago Jose dos Santos Moraes, Fault-tolerant Control for Non-sinusoidal 7-phase Permanent Magnet Machines with One Opened Phase, International Symposium on Electrical and Electronics Engineering (ISEE 2019), October 10-12, 2019, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam.

12. B. Zhao, J. Gong, D. T. Vu, N. Nguyen, and E. Semail, Fault Tolerant 7-phase Hybrid Excitation Permanent Magnet Machine. IEEE Conference on Electromagnetic Field Computation, Oct. 2018, China.

13. Jinlin Gong et al. Optimal Design of a Linear Induction Motor for Traction Application. International Conference on Electrical Engineering and Automatic Control (ICEEAC), 10-2015, Weihai, China.

14. Jinlin GONG, Nicolas BRACIKOWSKI, Xiuhe WANG. Magnetic modeling of a liner motor using lumped approach. International Conference on Electrical Machines and Systems (ICEMS), 10-2014, Hangzhou, China.

15. Jinlin Gong et al. Fast Optimization of a Linear Induction Motor by 3-Level Space Mapping Technique. 9th International Symposium on Linear Drives for Industrial Applications (LDIA). 7-2013, Hangzhou, China.

16. Jinlin Gong, Frédéric Gillon, Pascal Brochet. Optimal Design of a Linear Induction Motor for Subway System Using Finite Element Method. International Conference on Electrical Machines and Systems (ICEMS), 8-2011, Beijing, China.

17. Jinlin Gong, Alexandru Claudiu Berbecea, Frédéric Gillon, Pascal Brochet. Magnetic and Thermal 3D Finite Element Model of a Linear Induction Motor. Vehicle Power and Propulsion Conference (IEEE VPPC), Sep. 1-3, 2010, Lille, France.














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