Vladimir Terzija,塞尔维亚籍,1962年生
博士生导师,IEEE Fellow,International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems主编,俄罗斯斯科尔科沃科学技术研究院教授,EPSRC Chair Professor。
2021-至今 教授 斯科尔科沃科学技术研究院 俄罗斯
2013-至今 博导 山东大学
2006-2020 教授 曼彻斯特大学 英国
2000-2006 高级工程师 ABB 德国
1999-2000 洪堡学者 萨兰大学 德国
1992-1993 DAAD学者 凯泽斯劳滕工业大学 德国
1989-1999 副教授 贝尔格莱德大学 塞尔维亚
[1] Jose J. Chavez, Nidarshan Veera Kumar, Sadegh Azizi, Jose L. Guardado, Jose Rueda, Peter Palensky, Vladimir Terzija, Marjan Popov, “PMU-voltage drop based fault locator for transmission backup protection”, EPSR
[2] Augustine, V.Terzija, “A Frequency-Responsive Power-Smoothing Scheme of a Doubly-Fed Induction Generator for Enhancing the Energy-Absorbing Capability”, IJEPES, accepted on 30/03/2021.
[3] Hu, S. Q. Bu and V. Terzija, “A Distributed P and Q Provision Based Voltage Regulation Scheme by Incentivized EV Fleet Charging for Resistive Distribution Networks,” IEEE Trans. on Transportation Electrification, 2021. (In Press)
[4] Jose J. Chavez, Marjan Popov, David Lopez, Sadegh Azizi, Vladimir Terzija, S-Transform based fault detection algorithm for enhancing distance protection performance, International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems, Volume 130, 2021, 106966, ISSN 0142-0615, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijepes.2021.106966
[5] Sun, Mingyu, Gaoyuan Liu, Marjan Popov, Vladimir Terzija, and Sadegh Azizi. “Underfrequency Load Shedding using Locally Estimated RoCoF of the Center of Inertia.” IEEE Transactions on Power Systems (2021).
[6] Azizi, M. Rezaei Jegarluei, A. S. Dobakhshari, G. Liu and V. Terzija, “Wide-Area Identification of the Size and Location of Loss of Generation Events by Sparse PMUs,” in IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, doi: 10.1109/TPWRD.2020.3047228.
[7] Mostafa K., V.Terzija, “Improving Frequency Regulation of Wind Integrated Multi-Area Systems Using LFA-Fuzzy PID Control”, International Transactions on Electrical Energy Systems, accepted on 28/12/2020.
[8] Ahmad Dobakhshari, Sadegh Azizi, V.Terzija, “Online Non-iterative Estimation of Transmission Line and Transformer Parameters Using SCADA Data”, IEEE TPWRS, accepted on 09/11/2020.
[9] Terzija, D.Cetenovic, D.Milovanovic, Z.Bojkovic, Integration of Multienergy Systems into Smart Cities: Opportunities and Challenges for Implementation on 5G-Based Infrastructure, Chapter 11 in (Eds. Z.Bojkovic, D.Milovanovic, P.Fowdur) 5G Multimedia communications: Technology, multiservices, deployment, CRC Press 2020, pp.211-233
[10] Jin, Saikat, J.Yu, V.Terzija, “An Improved Algorithm for CKF based Forecasting Aided State Estimation and Anomaly Detection”, International Transactions on Electrical Energy Systems, (accepted on 1/11/2020)
[11] Zare, M. R. Narimani, M. Malekpour, R. Azizipanah-Abarghooee, V. Terzija, Reserve constrained dynamic economic dispatch in multi-area power systems: An improved fireworks algorithm, Int. J. Electr. Power. Energy Syst., 126, 2021, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijepes.2020.106579
[12] Azizipanah-Abarghooee, V. Terzija, M. Malekpour, et al., Guest Editorial: Challenges and new solutions for enhancing ancillary services and grid resiliency in low inertia power systems, IET Generation, Transmission & Distribution, 2020.
[13] Bao, Q. Wu, L. Ding, S. Huang and V. Terzija, “A Hierarchical Inertial Control Scheme for Multiple Wind Farms with BESSs Based on ADMM,” in IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy, doi: 10.1109/TSTE.2020.2995101.
[14] Zhao et al., “Roles of Dynamic State Estimation in Power System Modeling, Monitoring and Operation,” in IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, doi: 10.1109/TPWRS.2020.3028047.
[15] Aljarrah, Rafat, Hesamoddin Marzooghi, James Yu, and Vladimir Terzija. “Sensitivity analysis of transient short circuit current response to the penetration level of non-synchronous generation.” International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems 125: 106556.
[16] Melike Selcen Ayaz, Mostafa Malekpour, Rasoul Azizipanah-Abarghooee, Vladimir Terzija, “A Novel Local Photovoltaic Reactive Power Controller for Increasing Active Distribution Networks Hosting Capacity”, IET, accepted on 01/09/2020.
[17] Wang, L. Ding, Z. Ma, R. Azizipanah-Abarghooee and V. Terzija, “Perturbation-Based Sensitivity Analysis of Slow Coherency with Variable Power System Inertia,” in IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, doi: 10.1109/TPWRS.2020.3020837.
[18] Cheng, Yi, Rasoul Azizipanah-Abarghooee, Sadegh Azizi, Lei Ding, and Vladimir Terzija. “Smart frequency control in low inertia energy systems based on frequency response techniques: A review.” Applied Energy 279 (2020): 115798.
[19] Gao, H. Zhao, Y. Gui, D. Zhou, V. Terzija and F. Blaabjerg, “A Novel Direct Power Control for DFIG with Parallel Compensator under Unbalanced Grid Condition,” in IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, doi: 10.1109/TIE.2020.3022495.
[20] Aljarrah, H. Marzooghi, J. Yu, V. Terzija, “Monitoring of Fault Level in Future Grid Scenarios with High Penetration of Power Electronics-Based Renewable Generation”, IET, accepted on 17/09/2020.
[21] Paidi, ESN Raju, Hesamoddin Marzooghi, James Yu, and Vladimir Terzija. “Development and Validation of Artificial Neural Network-Based Tools for Forecasting of Power System Inertia With Wind Farms Penetration.” IEEE Systems Journal 14, no. 4 (2020): 4978-4989.
[22] S. Dobakhshari, M. Abdolmaleki, V. Terzija and S. Azizi, “Robust Hybrid Linear State Estimator Utilizing SCADA and PMU Measurements,” in IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, doi: 10.1109/TPWRS.2020.3013677.
[23] Azizi, Sadegh, Mingyu Sun, Gaoyuan Liu, and Vladimir Terzija. “Local Frequency-Based Estimation of the Rate of Change of Frequency of the Center of Inertia.” IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 35, no. 6 (2020): 4948-4951.
[24] Malekpour, Mostafa, Mohsen Zare, Rasoul Azizipanah-Abarghooee, and Vladimir Terzija. “Stochastic frequency constrained unit commitment incorporating virtual inertial response from variable speed wind turbines.” IET Generation, Transmission & Distribution (2020).
[25] Shi Fang, V.Terzija, “Diagnosis of the Single-Phase-to-Ground Fault in Distribution Network based on Feature Extraction and Transformation from the Waveforms”, IET, accepted on 02/07/2020.
[26] Tyuryukanov, Ilya, Marjan Popov, Mart AMM Van Der Meijden, and Vladimir Terzija. “Slow Coherency Identification and Power System Dynamic Model Reduction by using Orthogonal Structure of Electromechanical Eigenvectors.” IEEE Transactions on Power Systems (2020).
[27] Xie, Yuzheng, Changgang Li, Hengxu Zhang, Huadong Sun, and Vladimir Terzija. “Long-Term Frequency Stability Assessment Based on Extended Frequency Response Model.” IEEE Access 8 (2020): 122444-122455.
[28] Soumesh Chatterjee, Akash Anand, Biman Kumar Saha Roy, Vladimir Terzija, “Dual Use Line Relays to Improve Power Swing Deblocking Function”, Int. J. Elec. Power & Energy Syst., 2020, accepted March 2020.
[29] Weiyu Bao, Lei Ding, Zhifan Liu, Guofang Zhu, Mostafa Kheshti, Qiuwei Wu, Vladimir Terzija, Analytically derived fixed termination time for stepwise inertial control of wind turbines-Part I: analytical derivation, Int. J. Elec. Power & Energy Syst., 2020, in press.
[30] Yichen Guo, Weiyu Bao, Lei Ding, Zhifan Liu, Mostafa Kheshti, QiuweiWu, VladimirTerzija, Analytically derived fixed termination time for stepwise inertial control of wind turbines-Part II: application strategy, Int. J. Elec. Power & Energy Syst., 2020, in press.
Vladimir Terzija教授领导的团队以国际高水平学术团队为建设目标,聚焦国际电气工程学科前沿热点,面向国家重大战略需求布局团队科研方向,从学术产出、学术声誉等多方面进行了团队建设,培养出了一支高水平的学术队伍。团队核心成员4人都新获得了国家自然科学基金项目,2人分别主持了国家重点研发计划课题(基于微型PMU的配电网故障诊断及精确定位技术,电网故障下风电机组电压/频率暂态主动支撑技术研究),2人参与了国家重点研发计划课题,2人参与了国家重大科研仪器研制项目(电力电子化电力系统的源网荷全景同步量测系统研制及应用)。团队成员都成为mk体育(中国)的科研骨干。